Cortez Bryant, Assistant Principal
My name is Cortez Bryant and am excited to be a part of empowering and cultivating the future leaders of Craven County Schools. It brings me much joy to be announced as one of the Assistant Principals at Grover C. Fields Middle School. I am a graduate of Elizabeth City State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Music Education. Additionally, I am a graduate of Appalachian State University with a Master of School Administration Degree.
Born and raised in North Carolina, I have been educating students within the North Carolina School System for the past 12 years. I began my educational career teaching middle and high school band/general music. After teaching middle/high school band for two years, I began my eight-year tenure as an Elementary School general music/orchestra teacher. For the past two years I served as Assistant Principal at West Craven Middle School. In my new role as Assistant Principal at GCF, I look forward to impacting the lives of the students and staff as well as building relationships within the community. "GO GRIZZLIES!!!"
Two of my mottos I stand by are "Once a Learner, Always A Learner" and "Never Forget Your Why".